Recently, a controversy broke out about a church poster that
was termed as “not fit” for not only Christian viewing but also general viewing.
There have been talks, debates and all
that hullabaloo about it. The church came out in defense of their youth course
(though I did not hear them support their answers with scripture as is expected
of any religion follower accused of going against their faith). But that is not
what makes me angry.
“What brings you to church” I asked a youth man in an
un-named city church. The young man laughs and glances around before saying; “The
hot girls, of course. I realized that it’s actually easier to get sex in
church, because many of these young people are rebellious, they come here to
mask their behavior. They are the wildest group I know of; most are just
pretenders,” he confides.”
This was an excerpt from a local daily that was
investigating on the same. Now, before you get judgmental and all, I am a born
again Christian, who believes in certain values, and above all, HUMAN. This does
not mean I am “holy”; I do make mistakes, I do sin, but by the grace of God
keeps me safe from most evil and sin.

What explanation do they give? “We are attracting the youth
to church”. “Times have changed; we have to give something that is attractive
to the youth, to lead them to Jesus”.

Where are we headed? Where have our Christian values been buried
in the name of “attracting people to Jesus”?! Call me old school, but such are
the values that we need back. It is as such moments that I echo my colleague
Dickson Otieno’s words; as he put it here.
If there was a time we, the youth needed prayers; it is now.
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