Excuse the heading…by saying starting it high, this does not
mean the “high” where one is drugged or drunk (by alcohol or the Holy Spirit)
Well, happy New Year y’all!!! Well well well, the New Year
is here and this is a chance to yes, make another difference in your existence
as a human being (yay!). Last year, 2013 is so gone and here is another year. I
know we all got our resolutions; speaking of resolutions, I know people claim
they write some down, either due to social pressure or otherwise. Anyhu,
whether we write them down or not, we all have goals or targets that we want to
achieve in the New Year.

In life, they say, aim for the stars…no, the moon, so that
if you fall, you will fall on the stars. (is that possible in reality?) Most of
us set targets that are too low for us. The fear that we have of failing or of
not achieving our goals makes us set goals that we can easily reach. Come on;
challenge yourself!! Last year, I heard someone say that he had vowed to buy
themselves a phone worth 20 thousand shillings. He outdid himself actually, and
bought one 28,000/=.

Don’t be afraid of getting disappointed, you never know, you
just might get there; if and only if, you focus and balance your life. With that
said, welcome to 2014, lets aim high, let’s start high and make this a year of difference!!
To a great year ahead *cheers*
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