Well, if there is any event that I look forward to (other
than classical concerts) is the annual music festival. I used to participate in
Music Festivals since primary school, all the way through high school. So
hooked was I that in my fourth year in high school (I hope my parents never see
this) I missed my Kiswahili Mocks paper since I was attending the provincial
music festivals. Not that this time I was participating, I accompanied a
friend. Since I came to my senses, I have never missed any national finals,
except this year.
Well I got the chance to watch the state house music festivals concert, which was aired live by the national channel a.k.a KBC. I saw talent, young and rich talent that soothes the soul and settles my musical restless soul. All those who made it for the finals were all great, but I must mention a few that caught my eye … (or is it ear).
Among the colleges that made it was the Friends teachers college Kaimosi with their Dance…my oh my…their iskuti moves made me stand up and try to dance…I say try because I could not match up to what they were doing...their shoulders…wow!
High schools. The Kibirichia Boys High school. These ones
got my attention the moment they walked in…with their well built masculine
bodies… (Yes mwenye macho haambiwi tazama)... and their short lessos...well I
never knew boys look so lovely with short lessos...and their meru dance had
creative moves.
Choral verses.

We all love this part; these songs take back our minds to the good old days. Chavakali Boys really had their moves going and it was reported that they got a standing ovation during the Festivals at Meru. Now I Know why. Precious Blood Riruta’s piece was amazing! Kudos to them.
When the event was ending, during the last performance, I saw baba dozing… or was it “resting his eyes”…surely, the last piece was not that bad..! Now I await next year’s festivals.
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