*wipes off dust and cobwebs from my
Njeri Kareithi folder*
For my birthday,
I got these three books from a friend. Sure; I also got other books from other
friends but these ones stood out. I could see that they were part of a series
and it really excited me. I did not notice it as first; but later as I was
admiring them (am I the only one who admires new books all around at first?) I
notice that they were not the first books in the series. Oh great! Out of the
series of five, he got me #3, #4 and #5. Makes no sense; right? How would I
start reading at #3? That’s like watching a movie from the middle. You would
speculate what happened, but it would be just that. Speculation. Now, now now,
where and how do I get one and two? I remember asking myself. It got me so
disturbed for a few days till, like he had read my thoughts, he told me to look
at the spine of the books. (I didn’t know what a spine of a book was till I goggled…and
asked a friend too. I know you also didn’t know sooooo you’re welcome)
Found. Family.
That is what was written. I remember slapping
myself on my face and smiling at the sweet thought. We had grown to be such good friends in a
short span of time that he could confidently say that he has found family
forever. Yes, family. Because at times family is not necessarily those you are
related to by blood, it is the people standing beside you
when no one else is. People who can be relied on.
Fast forward a few weeks ago…this is how a
conversation between me and my mentor (Much respect Sir) went;
“Njeri Kareithi (I don’t know where he got the
habit of calling me my maiden and sir name, but when anyone calls me that
way, I know it is something serious), How are you?”
“I am fine Mr. Sec General (inside joke)”
“I have been to your blog and you have not
posted anything lately”
“uuummmm you know…” I thought of a million excuses,
including one that my keyboard is missing a letter which I might use
frequently. Or the typical "the dog ate my drafts". Lame right?
“*laughs*don’t make excuses, you need to be consistent…carry on with the way you have been consistent over the years”
“*laughs*don’t make excuses, you need to be consistent…carry on with the way you have been consistent over the years”
“but bwana Sec General, you should not be
reading my blog…you will know too much” I remember saying
“*laughs* no, I thought that makes me a good mentor...”
“yeah, I am working on it.” I replied as I opened
my Njeri Kareithi folder and searching for an incomplete poem that I needed to
complete and post.
“I am actually currently working on a poem”
“I will check soon and see...”
First of all, I remember thinking to myself,
why? why me Lord? Not that I write here to please anyone, don't get me wrong. But then I
thought to myself that was actually a good call out. You see, many of the times
we search for people who do things consistently. I mean, as human beings, we
all long for consistency of some sort…be it that person who you know you can
always lend to/borrow from because they keep their word, a person who you can always count on, something or
someone that you know will be a constant.

What I have come
to realize over time is that as humans, we all desire to have that consistency
in life, you know, that security in knowing you can always count on someone or something.
Over time, this consistency results to being reliable, trusted, dependable. To be
able to be counted on. For this friend to tell me that he has found family
forever was more than a complement. It however made me think a lot and this is
the challenge I would like to pass over to y’all.
We all long for consistency
and reliable things or people…right? But how reliable and/or consistent are we?
Can someone say they can depend on you? Do we keep our word? Do we deliver on
our promises? Or do we say one thing and do another? Have you ever told someone
you will do something or you will take part in a certain activity then they go “yeah
right” or “huyo tunamjua, ngoja tu utaona (that one, we know them well, just
wait and see)" ? Can people count on us as much as we want to count on them? Are we
reliable? Are we consistent? Can people say you are family to them?
What if we became consistent? What if we became reliable? What
if we did it for ourselves, #ForMyCity and for humanity?
Njeri Kareithi
Twitter: @deekareithi
(The campaign dubbed
#ForMyCity led by Poetry Spot. Follow the
conversation here)